About the Organization
Developed from an online social media movement into a nonprofit cooperative management group and supporting service organization for modeling initiatives into projects and missions into programs with a team of seasoned international volunteers. -Daily Media 2014
About Globcal International
Globcal International › About
About Us and the WebSite
This page is 'about' our WebSite, the Organization and our Internet Presence; links to organizational information are located on the homepage and these is also a special page for Links. Users can also see our 'about' presentation and exhibit page, popularly known about.me information (from the Web 2.0) or can review other specific social media or detailed information provided here below which is part of the Webmaster's project to get our website in full compliance with vocabulary modeling and RDF 1.1 data online.
Accordingly this page is a very important element in a WebSite, one of the most important pages and contains special coding that allows it to render on different services and technology; besides the About Page there other required pages in a website including the Home Page, the Contact Page, FAQ Page, Item Pages, the Profile Page, the QA Page, and a Check Out Page for commercial sites. There are a great number of other recommended pages and documents; these are the most basic inherent elements we use here and more of concern to have a fully compliant WebSite than provide the purposes stated herein.
In some ways this WebSite is being redesigned to serve every necessary purpose of the organization and semantically track all of our projects, events, members and serve to provide necessary accountability.
General Introduction
Presented in 2009 as a portfolio project for the Summit of the Americas, despite little action when we first formed; our project moved forward and became redeveloped as an cooperative international non-governmental organization (CiNGO). There is an article about us on Wikipedia!
In an effort to create coherence in the world and on the Internet, Globcal International strives to meet international standards in our development and presentation so that we are well-understood and never misunderstood, so we take it serious being in compliance with what it takes to be a legal and model citizen. The gist of this page is to do it correctly.
Compliance with "schema.org" Page Standards and the W3C
Web development has become more complex and difficult to meet a cross-platform compatibility. This page is developed to comply with the About Page standard. An "About Page" or the "About Us" page on a website should provide critical information about the organization's Internet presence and property development (not necessarily provide information about the organization itself). Considering this is online, our objective here is to provide information about our "WebSite" or website.
The About Page tells people about who we are, the scope of our WebSite, defines the web property as a resource, informs the user about the responsible party behind the website, makes a declaration as to the recommended audience and much more. There are over 100 different elements that can be linked in here including the authors, editors, publisher, the owner and much more.
Use of JSON-LD and Microdata
JSON-LD and Microdata are also used as alternatives to RDFa. We have just begun exploring this.
Thing / Creative Work / Web Site / Web Page / About Page
For all intents and purposes we are defining our "website" as a "thing" which is further defined as a "creative work" containing numerous "webpages" that are informational regarding sustainability, people, society, indigenous peoples, biodiversity, watersheds, public diplomacy, and ecosystems. Therein you will find our pages declared as documents or pages that provide links and other resources for informational purposes.
Other types of creative work that you may find categorized or classified using RDF within our website include the following: Article, Blog, Book, Clip, Code, Comment, Creative Work Series, Data Catalog, Dataset, Diet, Game, Map, Media Object, Movie, Music Recording, Photograph, Publication Issue, Review, Software Application, Software Source Code, Visual Artwork, Web Page, Web Page Element, and Web Site.
Note: As we learn more about the use and implementation of RDF we will extend and edit these sections to contain the most reliable and up-to-date information and data about the efforts of Globcal International, our online network, and our website of resources.
Organizational About Links
Globcal International is the world’s largest professional international goodwill ambassadorship association that has been developed to provide its services internationally without regard to geo-political borders with natural persons, our society and sovereign nations of aboriginal and indigenous peoples.
Our role is to enable global citizens to become activist or advocates as goodwill ambassadors around the world to work together to make the world an ecologically sustainable place where human rights are protected and respected. Our decentralized autonomous infrastructure of technical and operational support through our cooperative owners will help build safe societies and educate the new citizens of the 21st century.
To make an authoritative impact in creating universal social norms and a global ethic that affords balance and harmony between mankind and the planet.
Globcal International operates based on a multi-level horizontal infrastructure made up of founders, members, associates and consumers, the organization is managed and operated by a General Assembly, a Board of Commissioners, an Executive Council, and a Secretariat.
The organization is governed by an executive council of five including a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and registrar who oversee the organizational board of commissioners. Separately the organization as a cooperative is operated and managed exclusively by a professional team of officers and directors (associates) who are each in-charge of named divisions and professional departments under the employ of the cooperative ownership of members or general assembly.
Our organizational priorities change and differ from various perceptions and professional positions. As a cooperative our priority is always to serve our membership and the partnerships we develop to see individual projects that we develop come to fruition for the benefit of the members and the lives they touch.
From an outsider's perspective, that of a potential member or as a potential beneficiary our current priority besides serving our partners and members is to promote the universal understanding of a global ethic for individuals under their human rights living outside of their legal jurisdiction as internationals and non-state citizens. Establish new international missions within the framework of self-governing societies to promote ecologically sustainable human settlement, create socioeconomic opportunities, and develop ecosystem services to offset climate change and demonstrate social responsibility for the planet.
Name & Logo
Our name "Globcal" is a contraction an neologism of the words "Global & Local" followed by the word "International" describes our perspective interests.
Our logotype is based on a 3 dimensional cube facing up from the bottom in a grid representing the earth and its territorial divisions in a blockchained world based on a computerized landscape.
Legal Standing
Our organization is founded and established internationally as a professional fellowship of goodwill ambassadors and global citizens living around the world that provide mutual aid and programs through an unincorporated non-state, non-governmental cooperative international foundation. The details of our business and cooperative is based on private commercial law and not a matter of the public, state or government record except where we have established treaties, partnerships or memorandums of agreement with third-parties that are not members. The organization as stated on our root page is a de facto eleemosynary organization that is manifested as a cooperative decentralized autonomous society.
The organization recognizes all bodies of law that govern general conduct on an international scale internally and with third parties. It is against the policy of the organization to become subject to any legal statutes that are bound to the state or political in nature except through implied circumstances individually by members traveling, residing, visiting or working within them under implicit circumstances of customary law. Members of our fellowship are responsible for having a working understanding and respecting all forms of inter and cross jurisdictional basic, customary and common law bodies including: Administrative Law, Agricultural Law, Aviation Law, Commercial Law, Law of Obligations, Civil Law, Contract Law, Corporate Law, Environmental Law, Immigration Law, International Law, Maritime Law, Martial Law, Private Law, Property Law, Statutory Law, and other applicable bodies of law that they are subject to work under or withstand, often in the interest of human rights our organization and its ambassadors must work notwithstanding the law.
As an international non-governmental organization we also voluntarily subscribe to all commonly held and ratified standards, conventions, declarations, consensus and treaties held in high esteem by the international community and its international working authorities and bodies.
Legal Materials
Legal materials are for those who have established or plan to establish a non-state cooperative relationship with the organization in the form of a membership, fellowship, ambassadorship, stakeholdership, commissionership, and/or citizenship. The legal materials that we provide for those who belong to the organization include a constitution, articles, by-laws, code of conduct, representation manual, letters patent, credentials, and a passport. None of these materials are available to the public unless we publish them online.
Globcal International involves itself through partnership engagements to propel and foment our purposes, details and descriptions are further discussed in a special section entitled partnerships. In 2016 we have several primary partnership programs under development with other organizations and online platforms that we are working with transparently.
To date all of our funding has been provided from our members as investments or monthly dues into the foundation of the organization. The organization is working online to develop commercial offers through our international programs, in-kind sponsorships and through creative microfinance project developments.