Globcal International Sitemap
Globcal International › Sitemap
Sitemap (Web Content)
Our WebSite is laid out differently than most because it uses semantic descriptions and an organization schema that is transparent and well-developed. All of the WebSites under our Domain are developed to interlink and create individual functionality for our members and their page followers as well. Because Google Sites a service of G-Suite does not yet support sitemaps this manually developed sitemap (table of contents) serves as a guide for navigating our website.
Each subdomain is independent of this rootweb, only the rootweb has its own sitemap resulting in all the subdomains being indexed here, listed as belonging to the domain. Use the expanding links below to discover our content. All domains and subdomains except for news feeds use secure https protocol.
Globcal International Domains and Subdomains
We operate our WebSite in such a way so that each member has control over their own Subdomain(s) and are responsible for their own content development. Collectively Globcal International (Non-State Network) manages 9 (nine) generic top-level domains g(TLDs) and over 100 subdomains from several different hosts and servers.
Globcal International News Feeds
Our "Feeds Subdomain" does not have its own website because it is hosted using a virtual host provided by Feedburner. Each page listed is resolved using a Virtual Host (CNAME) and is not secure to allow rendering in all feed readers. Users can subscribe the the topics covered independently of one another There is no way to subscribe to all the feeds without independently selecting them.
Subdomain []
Globcal International WebSite Pages
Rootweb []
The rootweb represents our base level of site navigation and provides users information about our organization in a transparent way using the natural WebSite Schema. Pages marked with asterisks are the primary pages found in all WebSites.
This site is currently under redevelopment, the updates can be observed here.
Media Kit
Public Relations