Best Practices
Globcal International Best Practices
Globcal International › Best Practices
Using Best Practices for Clarity and Understanding
Neutrality is Good Diplomacy
As an international non-governmental organization that it primarily founded on academic principles for research purposes we do not endorse and are neutral on all issues relative to government, politics, religion, and military situations. We are founded and promote a strict order with international law and admiralty standards.
The new (global + local) effort we are developing and implementing for the general public preserves our previous organizational goals and philosophy as the core for operations in the online citizen diplomacy realm using social media. The new advents of today's ideals involve adding more publicly accessible participation elements (some spin) that forces the evolution of new human to human standards in nonprofit charity, transparency, public benefit, social network relationship building, and tampers with the organizational science of governments and corporations by demonstrating the power of human interactive cooperation in an open society.
Democratic Perspective and World-View
Our nature is to maintain our cooperative as an independent fellowship of individual global citizens that have been recognized as ambassadors of goodwill that have come together to develop projects that are qualified as nongovernmental, nonreligious, and free of private interests. All of our project developments are fully compliant with United Nations international agendas, goals and laws.
International Goodwill Ambassador Corps
Our charter signatory co-founding ambassador fellowship and diplomatic corps is a cooperative voluntary union of accredited individuals and bearers of 'exequatur' or 'letters patent' as honorable, credible, ladies and gentlemen of great virtue and good character; they are globally recognized as the goodwill representatives at the hand of crowns, presidents, governors, judges, chancellors, mayors, and secretariats of iNGOs.
Our newly re-qualified team has conformed to developing our new goals with a social media goodwill diplomatic corps agenda to make our effort more prevalent publicly capable of creating mutually beneficial and sustainable international relationships.
Our organization, (our goodwill ambassador commission) is currently finalizing after undergoing complete reformation in accordance with International Non-Governmental Organizational Law, the Model Non-Profit Corporation Act, and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations and between International Organizations, 21 March 1986.
Maintain the Highest Ethical Standards
Our charter commits Globcal International to meeting best-practice standards on public accountability and transparency in all of its operations and programs. All of our social media team and our field team are trained in protocol and policy.
We adhere to set core values, operating principles, and areas for particular attention under group treaties by other international NGOs. These include good governance, effective management, ethical fundraising and multi-stakeholder engagement. Specific reference is made to the expectation that iNGOs and iCoops must adhere to and respect the principles enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Our protocol committee ensures that all members of our commission in our development adhere to standards established independently that meet or exceed those of the Better Business Bureau (BBB), the iNGO Accountability Charter, and other legal agencies as applicable and necessary under our international treaty.