
Globcal International News Feeds

Globcal International Feeds

List of Topic Based News Feeds

The following news feeds are monitored by Globcal International Ambassadors individually based on their focus and assigned interests as professional diplomats. This list is subject to change without notice, these are open feeds that were developed using FeedBurner and anyone can subscribe to them.

Globcal International does not endorse or express the validity of news which appears in these feeds, all information is provided by Google News.

  1. Agroforestry News

  2. Amazon River News

  3. Ambassador News

  4. Amerindian News

  5. Animal Cruelty News

  6. António Guterres News

  7. Austrian News

  8. Ayahuasca News

  9. Backpacking News

  10. Belize News

  11. Biometric Identification

  12. Bitcoin News

  13. Bitnation News

  14. Blockchain Identification News

  15. CARICOM News

  16. Caritas News

  17. Cash Free Society News

  18. Cashless Society News

  19. Climate Change News

  20. Colombia Venezuela News

  21. Commonwealth of Nations News

  22. Conservation International News

  23. Corruption Alert List

  24. Digital Citizenship News

  25. Dual Citizenship News

  26. Ecological Commons News

  27. Ecology Earth News

  28. Ecosystem Services News

  29. Ecotourism Travel News

  30. Ecovillage News

  31. Endangered Species News

  32. Environment Restoration News

  33. European Union News

  34. Expat News

  35. Expatriate News

  36. FAO News

  37. Global Citizenship

  38. Global Citizenship Identity

  39. Globalization News

  40. Gold Discovered News

  41. Good Deeds News

  42. Goodwill Ambassador News

  43. Greenpeace News

  44. Guyana Gold News

  45. Hallucinogenic News

  46. Hitchhiking News

  47. Hungary News

  48. ICAO News

  49. IFAD News

  50. IFRC News

  51. ILO News

  52. IMF News

  53. IMO News

  54. INTERPOL News

  55. IOM News

  56. IUCN News

  57. Immigration News

  58. Indigenous News Feed

  59. Indigenous Peoples' Day News

  60. Indigenous Planet

  61. Indigenous Unity Flag

  62. Intentional Community News

  63. International Express

  64. Jesuit News

  65. Lloyd's Register News

  66. Marijuana News

  67. Multiple Citizenship News

  68. Native American News

  69. Non-Government Funding News

  70. OHCHR

  71. Offshore News

  72. Oxfam News

  73. Passport News

  74. Permaculture News

  75. Puerto Rico

  76. Quaker News

  77. Queen Elizabeth II England

  78. Rainforest News

  79. Rare Animal News

  80. Recreational Cannabis News

  81. Reforestation News

  82. SOS Children's Village News

  83. Scout Movement News

  84. Shaman News

  85. Stateless News

  86. Survival International News

  87. Sustainable Development News

  88. Sweden News

  89. Threatened Species News

  90. UN Oceans News

  91. UN SDG News

  92. UN Volunteer News

  93. UN Women News

  94. UN-DPKO Peacekeeping News

  95. UN-Habitat News

  96. UN-IPCC News

  97. UNAIDS News

  98. UNCDF News

  99. UNCITRAL News

  100. UNCTAD News

  101. UNDP News

  102. UNDPI News

  103. UNEP News

  104. UNESCO News

  105. UNFPA News

  106. UNHCR News

  107. UNHRC News

  108. UNICEF News

  109. UNIDO News

  110. UNITAR News

  111. UNOCHA News

  112. UNODC News

  113. UNOPS News

  114. UNWTO News

  115. UPU News

  116. United Nations News

  117. United States of America News

  118. Venezuela News

  119. WFP News

  120. WHO News

  121. WIPO News

  122. WMO News

  123. WTO News

  124. WWF Wildlife News

  125. World Customs News

  126. iNGO News